Coaches Conference Before We Get Started

Laying the ground rules of what this program is and isn’t. What I expect from you, what you can expect from me.

Please complete each lesson by watching the video, downloading the workbook and completing the quizzes and experiments.

It is essential that you take your time and be thoughtful about your answers and I’ll chat with you about them on our Coaches conference call after you complete the third hole.

After completing the first hole, you’ll get an invite to The Golf Achievement CoachNow App where you can communicate with me directly.

After completing the first three holes, you will receive an invite to schedule your coaching call.

If or when you need support, email or submit a support ticket from your member dashboard.

I have dedicated office hours for technical issues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 11-1pm CST. In season (April-October) I usually coach from 8am-6pm Monday-Friday and Saturdays 7am-5pm CST.

Thanks again for making a wise investing in your game!

Let’s get started by clicking on “Next Topic” below!