Summary And Invitation

Thank you for investing your time in this program and trusting me to guide you to achieve your golfing goals.

You’ve completed the first three holes and have unlocked the Coaching Consultation. For a limited time, if you are one of the first 99-golfers to complete the first three holes, you’ll unlock a 30-minute coaching session. If you are on of the first 99 golfers to finish the first eight holes, you’ll get another 30-minute coaching consultation.

Each of the following holes includes a workbook, lesson, quiz, and challenge for the rest of the twelve-week course.

There are 12 different purposeful practice sessions, one for each week.

There are 12 on-course challenges to keep you focused and have more fun on the course.

If you have already registered, click here to continue to Hole 4.

If you haven’t registered, read below.

If you are serious about achieving your goals and want to join the 1000’s of golfers I’ve coach to Break 100 and shoot their lifetime best round.

If you do not have time to watch a 15-20-minute video, complete a 30-45-minute training session and play nine or 18-holes each week, this course is not for you.

I’ve been coaching since 1998 and this is as simple as I can help you achieve your golfing goal of Breaking 100 At Golf.

You’ll also receive one-year access to Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement CoachNow App where you can communicate directly with me. The App will act as your virtual locker. It will also be where The Golf Achievement Community communicates and you’ll get support to achieve your goals.

I want to be your coach and help you achieve your goals. I know if you stick with the plan, you’ll achieve your goal of breaking 100 at golf!

If you haven’t done so, please invite a friend! This offer will not last for long and the bonus will also disappear.

The price will go up after 99 golfers complete the course to $199.99.

I’ve spent over 1200 hours creating this course and it will continue to be updated, and your feedback is appreciated.

Act now and let’s get started today!

If you have already registered, click here to continue to Hole 4.