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The Golf Achievement Stick

Improve your putting, short game and full swing with The Golf Achivement Stick.
I'll send you videos to build your stroke and how to use the stick.


Sensors and stats tracking technology that inserts into the end of your club. Golfer's do not argue with their own data, they just do not know what to work for... until now!

SuperSpeed Golf

If you are looking to add 3-7, even 13mph, use the SuperSpeed Sticks 2-3 times a week and you'll get results in 15-minutes a day.

Power Swing Fan

This is the only tool I use in every lesson for a quick warm-up and to build speed and stamina.

Mental Golf Workshoip Profile

Your report provides an accurate picture of your golfing personality and customized strategies for these areas of your gameā€¦ Golf Temperament Pre-Round Preparation Playing Shots Course Management Working With Instructors Golf Fitness Tendencies

Brad Pluth's Golf Achievement Coachnow App

Your virutual golf locker where we can keep your lessons summary and resources, snap videos of your swing, photos of your scorecards or courses you're playing, communicate inbetween lessons and remotely.

Impact Bag

One of the all time best and most versatile training aids, the impact bag will help you where it matters most, impact!

Mevo Launch Monitor

Simple, portable and long lasting launch monitor for $499.


Another Launch Monitor under $500 that provides quality data and feedback.

Swing Caddie SC200 Plus

Best Launch Monitor under $400