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On-Line Programs

Break 100 Program On-Line is for the remote golfer or golfer that is looking for a plan to lower their scores and have more fun on the golf course. 

$99.99 For Six Months

$249.99 For Lifetime Access And Future Projects

Remote Coaching Options

The Brad Pluth Golf Achievement program is designed to help us overcome two of our greatest obstacles in supporting your continued development: time and proximity, especially during these times. The following offerings provide us with the necessary tools to extend our reach for 1/ out-of-town clients unable to see us for regular in-person sessions and 2/ in-town clients who desire more support along with frequent check-ups between sessions. Rather than leave a session and be on your own until we can meet again, Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement Remote Coaching Program allows us to offer greater access to a full array of coaching tools and maintain uninterrupted forward momentum towards your goals.

REMOTE COACHING ESSENTIAL/ Includes regular form check-ups to ensure players remain on the right track— and in the event that things get off track, we can correct course quickly and effectively, even in the absence of in-person instruction. Includes: 1/ One Online Swing Analysis/Week. Post a swing on CoachNow for feedback from Brad.
TUITION: $40/Month (Limited to 20/Month)

REMOTE COACHING COMPLETE/ In addition to feedback on technique, you’ll receive a monthly training plan and consultation with your coach to accelerate the improvement process.
Includes: 1/ One Online Swing Analysis/week. Post a swing on CoachNow for feedback from coach.
2/ Monthly Development Check-In. Communicating digitally on CoachNow is effective, but sometimes it can be helpful to talk in person or Facetime. Each month, we will have a discussion on all things related to your development.
3/ Monthly Training Plans. Each month we will develop new purposeful practice sessions, on-course games, custom drills, and exercises as needed to have a direct impact on your goals while keeping things novel and fresh in training.
TUITION: $99/Month (Limited to 15/Month) Enroll Here

REMOTE COACHING COMPETITIVE/ All the services offered in Complete plus access to a robust set of coaching tools designed for competitive players:
1/ One Online Swing Analysis/Week. Post a swing on CoachNow for feedback from coach.
2/ Monthly Development Check-In. Communicating digitally on CoachNow is effective, but sometimes it can be really helpful to talk in person or Facetime. Each month, we will have a discussion on all things related to your development.
3/ Monthly Skill Analysis and Training Plans. Coach will identify areas requiring attention, set new targets, and devise a menu of tasks designed to have a direct impact on those areas.
4/ Remote Game Planning Session. For one event a quarter, complete a Skype game planning session with your coach in which you develop a strategical plan for a specific course using Google Earth and Golf Achievement Yardage Books.
5/ Tournament Prep And Observation. Brad will prep course strategy and attend a tournament and create customized improvement plan.
6/ Quarterly Goal Review Session. Each quarter set aside time to discuss your progress towards your annual goals and develop a plan to correct course as necessary.
7/ Competitive Schedule Guidance. Which events to play in for the most optimal competitive schedule possible.
TUITION: $200/Month or $2000 billed annually (Limited to 10/Year) Enroll Here

Any questions, please call or text Brad at 952/401-4653.