Attention: Frustrated Golfers Looking To Break 100
Achieve Your Golfing Goals With Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement Breakthrough Series
Break 100, 90, 80 Or Par With An On-Line Training Program That Will Guide You To Discover Your Best Swing, Course Strategy And Scoring Mindset
From The Desk Of: Brad Pluth
Re: Achieving Your Golfing Goals
Develop Your Golf Skills, Play With Confidence
And Have More Fun On The Course!
Dear Frustrated Golfer Looking To Break 100 at Golf,
If you want to build a swing your can trust and strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently, build a scoring mindset and know what to think about before, during and after a golf shot., and even get on-course strategy basics so you know what club to use, how to pick your target and set your expecations…. then this is the most important on-line golf coaching. you’ll read about all year!
Introducing “Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement: Breakthrough Series: Break 100”
Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement: Breakthrough Series: Break 100 is an amazing new on-line golf coaching. from Golf Achievement expert Brad Pluth that helps every frustrated golfer looking to Break 100 develop your golf skills, play with confidence and have more fun!
You will discover through a series of assessments and experiments your natural movement patterns so you can strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently!!
In fact, here is just the tip of the iceberg of what you can expect from this amazing new on-line golf coaching:
“What every frustrated golfer looking to Break 100 needs to know about achieving your golfing goals how to strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently, play with confidence, have more fun on the golf course.”
- The real secret for how to develop your golf skills, play with confidence and have more fun!
- See how you can easily build a swing your can trust and strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently (so, you don’t have to deal with opening your wallet and taking cash out and giving to opponent.).
- How every frustrated golfer looking to Break 100 can quickly build a scoring mindset and know what to think about before, during and after a golf shot… so you can completely avoid waking up in pain after a round of golf.
- Smoothly apply on-course strategy so you know what club to use, how to pick your target and set your expecations.
- Short and long-term solutions for how you can lose strokes and have more fun on the golf course.
- Rapidly develop a swing your can trust (so you can make Suffering from information overload and chasing the next best club, swing thought or worse yet, trying to keep your head down. a thing of the past).
- Rapidly play and practice with confidence (so you know how to practice and benchmark your improvement).
- Know what to think about before, during and after a shot, develop The Golf Achievement Scoring Mindset…. which means you never again have to experience embarrassment on the golf course.
- Saves you from Openning your wallet and taking cash out and giving to opponent. so you can avoid Waking up in pain after a round of golf. (which means you can develop a swing your can trust and strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently. and develop a scoring mindset and know what to think about before, during and after a golf shot).
- And, as a special bonus, you’ll also discover I’ll guide you through a process of identifying your natural movement patterns so you can strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently!!
- … and Much, MUCH More!
Now that’s a tall promise and at this point you may be wondering…
Who Is Brad Pluth And Why Should I Listen To Him
Brad Pluth is an expert in golf achievement whose accomplishments include:
- PGA Member since 2001
- PGA Certified Professional in Teaching and Coaching
- Authorized Instructor of The Golfing Machine (GSEM)
- TPI Level II
- Advisory Board of PGA Junior Golf Camps
- Callaway Master Staff
- ACE Certified Fitness Professional
- B.S. Economics
Work History:
Have been coaching since 1998 with stops at
- Congressional Country Club
- Raven at Sandestin and Phoenix
- Grand View Lodge
- Troy Burne
- Deer Run Golf Club
Awards, Titles, and Designations:
Minnesota Section
- Player Development Award
- Junior Golf Leader Award
- Bill Strausbaugh Award
National And International Awards
- US Kids Master Coach
- Elite Golf Coaches Top 25
- Golf Digest Best Young Teachers
- Golf Digest Best In State
Personal Info:
- Several TV appearances on all major networks
- Section Award Winner
- Published over 20 articles
- 170+ Youtube videos
- Have coached in 11 different countries and 46 states in America
- I’ve moved 29 times chasing my dream of becoming a golf coach
- I’ve worked with, attended seminars from 185 Top 100 Instructors (some have fallen off the list)
- I’ve made 17 hole-in-ones
So as you can see, Brad Pluth is uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about golf achievement!
But Don’t Just Take My Word For It,
Take a Look At This…
- Jim shot his ages, twice before he reached 70!
- Charlie dropped 31 strokes off his competitive scores in one season!
- Voted Top 5 Instructors in MN by peers in Golf Digest
- Coached 82 players into college golf in a ten-year span!
So Here’s Exactly What You’re Going To Get With
“Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement: Breakthrough Series”
This Amazing On-line Golf Coaching Includes A Nine Hole Path:

- Hole 0: What is a Golf Achiever? Traits and qualities of golfers who achieve their scoring goals.
- Hole 1: Why Do You Play Golf? Who do you want to play with, where do you want to play?
- Hole 2: On-Course Assessment- to understand where are you taking your shots.
- Hole 3: Skills Challenges- for your putting, short game, approach shots and tee shots and benchmark your improvement.
- Hole 4: 30-Minute Coaching Consultation- to customize your golf improvement journey. Unlocked after completing the first three holes.
- Hole 5: Develop your Scoring Mindset- what to think about before, during and after a shot.
- Hole 6: Course Management- the real scoring rules and strategies to shoot lower scores.
- Hole 6: Natural Movement Patterns- develop your swing through assessments and experiments and unlock your ball striking ability and hit it farther, straighter with less effort!
- Hole 8: Myth And Limiting Beliefs
- Hole 9: Celebrate Achievement
Total Value: Is it worth $10,000 to you? $1000, $500? $250 for a nine-week course that I do in person for $1000
100% Risk-Free Guarantee
If “Brad Pluth’s Golf Achievement: Breakthrough Series: Break 100” doesn’t show you exactly how to build a swing your can trust and strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently…. if it doesn’t take you by the hand, step-by-step to build a scoring mindset and know what to think about before, during and after a golf shot… or if it fails to help you own your on-course strategy so you know what club to use, how to pick your target and set your expectations… you complete and submit all the required worksheets and scorecards, then you will receive a full refund. No Questions Asked!
Special Pricing When You Order Now
So the total value of what you’re getting today is more than $10,000 to you? $1000, $500? $250 for a 9 week course that I do in person for $750., especially when you take into consideration the incredible bonuses we’re including for you. But the good news is you are NOT going to pay that price.
Because we know what it’s like to be where you are, and because we want to do everything we can to help you succeed with golf achievement, TODAY we’re giving you everything we just listed at a special price of just
$249.99 lifetime all access pass
And Best Of All… You’ll Start Seeing Results In Eight Weeks
So if you’re Golfers who want to achieve their scoring goal. who is serious about how to develop your golf skills, play with confidence and have more fun!, here’s why you can’t wait and you need to act on this right now.
- This traning system will guide you to develop your scoring mindset, on-course strategy, purposeful practice and your natural golf swing so you can play with confidence.
- The golf season is upon us, there is no better time than the present.
- Quit waking up in pain after a round of golf.
So go ahead, click the order button below right now and you’re well on your way to golf achievement success!
Do it now before the price goes up.
Don’t miss this breakthrough on-line golf coaching that will show you exactly how to develop your golf skills, play with confidence and have more fun!
Claim your copy of this exciting and informative NEW golf achievement on-line golf coaching. from Brad Pluth!
Your Price Today: $99.99 for six months, $249.99 lifetime all access pass to this program and future programs Break 90, 80 and Par.
See you on the inside,
Brad Pluth, PGA
Golf Achievement Head Coach
P.S. Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have this PROVEN Golf Achievement expert take you by the hand and help you not only with achieving your golfing goals, strike the ball farther, straighter and more consistently, play with confidence, have more fun on the golf course -get in on this online golf coaching. now before your competitors use it to leap way ahead of you in the market! Click Here Now!
This gem is sold for $750 in person. This introductory price of $99.99 for six months access, $ 249.99-lifetime all-access pass to this program and future programs Break 90, 80 and Par. is a “Buy it NOW before it’s gone” offer… so act fast!…
P.P.S. – Let’s be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you succed with golf achievement? Probably not!
You’ll just keep struggling and never figure out how to develop your golf skills, play with confidence and leave the course frustrated!!
Most of what you need is a proven path and encouragement from a golf coach with a track record for coaching his students to achieve their goals.
Get this on-line golf coaching. NOW and the golf achievement success you want!
Act now! Buy now! Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Click here!