How To Be The Most Interesting Guy/Gal In Your Next Foursome

Golf is a game about developing relationships… and shooting the lowest score possible. 

How do you become interesting at playing golf? Let’s talk about a few ways that make other golfers mad.: 

  1.  Talk poorly about yourself, loudly. 

Everybody has bad shots, how you react to them tells a lot about your character. If you’re a hothead and RJ, you’re not very interesting. If you can laugh at yourself, which allows others to laugh with you, you become more interesting. 

  1.     Change the rules during competition. 

Establish the rules on the first tee, before everybody tees off, and play by the rules. There’s nothing more stern watching somebody noodle or golf ball, kick them out of the woods, drop the ball out of their pocket. 

3. Not counting all of your strokes

There are such things as honest mistakes, but when it happens twice during around… It also says a lot about your character and makes you less interesting. Whining about things you have no control over like the weather, the group in front of you or 

4.  Whining about things you have no control over. Complaining about the course conditions, the weather, getting a bad balance… I’ll make you less interesting. Origin of the game is to strike a golf ball from one place to another, and playing as of wise, is the root game. 

 One way to know that you’re playing the game correctly is if you get invited back to your foursome. 

 Here are nine things you can do to make you a more interesting golfer. 

  1.  Know a little history about the club. Who designed the golf course, when was it built, who is the head golf professional, what kind of grass is on the golf course… 
  2. Know something about your playing partners. With the advent of LinkedIn and Facebook, it’s not spying on somebody by looking at their background and outside interests.
  3. Know a little bit about your playing partners. Linked in and Facebook, it’s not spying on somebody’s background. 
  4.  Read a golf magazine for the latest news who is playing well. Top players. Somebody’s, asked them to her? To me right now it’s just a rose. Three things I find interesting about Justin Rose are his green-reading process, how he aims and suds up to the golf ball in an athletic position, and the smoothness of his stroke. 
  5. Read an instructional book. I recently read the art of the lost art of putting, two key takeaways were the two questions I asked before every putt is, “Is this putt makable? What needs to happen for the ball to roll into the hole?”
    Being ready to discuss the reason more fundamental so you believe are true power will make you an interest redo the instructional book. Ready to discuss theories or fundamentals will make you an interesting golfer. 
  6. Know when to talk about family, work, politics, technology. If you are a lobbyist, I’m guessing you probably are not going to want to talk about politics during your round of golf. What is the latest gadgets or toys or you’re using that are making your life more enjoyable?
  7.  Everybody has to eat! Where were the best meals that recently? 
  8.  How did you learn how to play golf? This will help you understand taken lessons and are relatively serious about the game, and are playing for fun. 
  9. What’s your biggest challenge at the moment? How can I or a friend help?

 Remember, people do not care what you shoot, they care how you act!  

42 Questions To Ask: 

  1.  How did you learn how to play golf? 
  2. What’s the best golf course if ever
  3.  What’s the best golf course ever played? 
  4. Who do you most enjoy playing golf with? Or do you least like playing golf with? I’ll guarantee you it’s not somebody that shoots low scores
  5.  Who do you most enjoy playing golf with? Or do you least like playing golf with? I’ll guarantee you it’s not somebody that shoots low scores… 
  6.  What’s the best restaurant TV and that lately? 
  7. If you could play anywhere, where would it be and who would it be with?
  8.  If you could play anywhere, where would it be and who would it be with?  Do you like Caddyshack, or happy Gilmore? 
  9.  What’s the one thing you could do, that by doing it with make everything else easier or unnecessary?  Quote from the one thing.
  10. What are three tool that you could not live without? Mine is Evernote, my iPad… and my wife. 
  11. What does it take to be a great golfer? Or be more specific, Putter, Chipper, Pitcher, Bunker Player, Driver, Course Manager…
  12.  What is the best lesson ever received? On the golf course, or in business? 
  13.  How can you make golf easier, and enjoy the process? 
  14. Do you play or practice more? What are your favorite on-course games?
  15. What are your favorite golf games? 
  16.  What are your favorite drills? 
  17.  What are your favorite practice games? 
  18.  Outside of golf, what other activities do you enjoy?
  19. Favorite type of music?  Concert? Festival? 
  20.  If money were no object, where would you live, what car would you buy, kind of house would you live in? 
  21.  What are a few things on your bucket list that you like to do before you die? 
  22.  If you were given a superpower, what would you choose? 
  23. What is your favorite TV show, series?
  24.  What is your favorite TV show, series, YouTube channel? 
  25.  Who are your favorite followers on social media? In certain platforms of your choice, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram…? 
  26.  If there was a movie about your life, who would play your role and how would it be? 
  27. What’s your favorite club in your bag? Least favorite? Follow up with a question of what makes them so good with their favorite club? Avoid talking about your least favorite clothes, and less it’s your favorite club…
  28.  What’s your favorite club in your bank? Least favorite? Follow up with a question of what makes them so good with their favorite club? Avoid talking about your least favorite clothes, and less it’s your favorite slug… 
  29. If you could design a resource, was with include, where would it
  30.  If you could design a resource, include, where would it be? 
  31.  What was the best round of your life? Where was it, or you with? 
  32.  Who’s your favorite golfer? What do you admire about them? Generalize 
  33.  If you could design the ultimate goal for who would you choose? For putting? Short game? Driving? Longer play? Course management? 
  34.  If you could be commissioner of the PGA for a day, would you change? What role would you change? 
  35.  What do you need to do to achieve your goals in the next round, weekend, month, year, five years? 
  36.  What do you think race players think about before their shop? Do you think they have a field or target orientation? 
  37.  What does it feel like to have a perfect shot? 
  38.  How can we make this round more fun, and enjoy the process? 
  39.  Have you been traveling or do you have any upcoming trips you’re excited about? 
  40. What are you struggling with most right now?
  41. If you had a billboard to get a message out to the world, what would it read?

 The goal here is to ask questions to get people talking about themselves. 
Golf is a game and games should be fun! Head to the golf course prepared with a few questions of mine, it’s even OK to print these out and leave them in your bag as a reminder. 

If you’d like to see this demonstrated in action, playing lessons are a great way to learn and develop relationships.  Call or text Brad at 952/401-4653 to schedule a playing lesson or join one of his adult or junior small groups.